Defined by anatomical principles
Spinesuit® base layer functional apparel is designed to help athletes reduce the risk of back injury and improves spinal alignment, posture, performance and recovery. Optimal spinal alignment improves load on spinal joints, reducing injury risk and improving performance.

Variable power, hypoallergenic silicon compound bands that are fused to the Spinesuit® fabric to increase the garment power for the support of specific joint muscle groups. - EXOLINK-SP™
Linked anatomical muscle wrapping system that enables the spine to be supported. EXOLINK-SP™ links the key front, back and side muscle groups. Its strategic positioning is defined by anatomical principles. - SRX HARNESS-SP™
The five-link harness is the intersection of five key muscle wrapping bands. The cross-brace muscle wrapping supports the upper back and connects to the front chest muscles, upper and lower back and the Technical Lumbar. - TECHNICAL LUMBAR-SP™
Anatomical muscle wrap provides extra support for the lumbar spine and sacroiliac joints.
Spinesuit® combines two proven sports science technologies
1. Compression Technology
2. Kinesiology Taping
(wrapping muscles with taping to give support)
The Spinesuit® design negates the need for a medical professional to apply the taping as it is built into the garment. It enables an anatomically correct muscle and spine support system.

Technical Features

M.I.CLOUD Nanotechnology
M.I. Cloud Technology possesses the unique capability to enhance blood circulation in any targeted area of the body. Our patented technology functions by modifying the surface free energy of liquids and strengthening intermolecular bonds. This innovative approach utilises restructured rare-earth minerals and was developed over 15 years of research by the late Dr. Richard Chua, PhD in Bio-physics from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.